14 cam kết của Chính phủ Việt Nam trước Liên Hợp Quốc
Vào thứ Ba - 27/8/2013, nhằm vận động trước khi có cuộc bỏ phiếu chọn thành viên mới của Hội đồng Nhân quyền Liên Hợp Quốc, phái đoàn Việt Nam đã công bố bản cam kết bao gồm 14 lời hứa về thực thi quyền con người của Chính phủ Việt Nam trước Chủ tịch Đại hội đồng và các thành viên của Liên Hợp Quốc.

Các cam kết này liên quan đến nhiều khía cạnh chính sách, pháp luật, hoạt động của các cơ quan lập pháp, hành pháp và tư pháp, cũng như liên quan đến nhiều nhóm quyền khác nhau. Các nhóm, tổ chức xã hội dân sự có thể bám sát các cam kết liên quan đến lĩnh vực mình quan tâm để vận động cải cách, cải thiện thực trạng. Các cam kết cụ thể là:

1. Thông qua các chính sách và các biện pháp để đảm bảo tốt hơn tất cả các quyền cơ bản về kinh tế, xã hội, văn hóa, dân sự và chính trị theo thông lệ quốc tế đã công nhận.

2. Đạt Các Mục tiêu Phát triển Thiên niên kỷ.

3. Tiếp tục cải thiện hệ thống luật pháp và tư pháp, xây dựng nhà nước pháp quyền và kiện toàn các thiết chế trong nước về bảo vệ nhân quyền, bao gồm việc có thể thành lập một cơ quan nhân quyền quốc gia.

4. Thông qua các chính sách và các biện pháp, tăng cường các nguồn lực để đảm bảo an sinh xã hội và công lý, đặc biệt với quyền của những nhóm dễ bị thương tổn, như phụ nữ, trẻ em, người cao tuổi, người khuyết tật và các dân tộc thiểu số.

5. Thúc đẩy giáo dục nhân quyền để tăng cường nhận thức và năng lực cho các cơ quan hành pháp để đảm bảo tốt hơn các quyền và tự do căn bản của người dân

6. Tiếp tục thực hiện những khuyến nghị Việt Nam đã chấp nhận trong cơ chế Kiểm điểm Định kỳ Phổ quát (UPR) năm 2009 và tham gia một cách có trách nhiệm và xây dựng trong kỳ UPR thứ hai.

7. Tăng cường dân chủ cơ sở và sự tham gia của người dân vào việc lập kế hoạch và thực thi chính sách, và cải thiện sự gắn kết của Việt Nam với các tổ chức chính trị, xã hội làm việc trong lĩnh vực nhân quyền.

8. Tham gia tích cực, xây dựng và có trách nhiệm vào công việc của Hội đồng để đóng góp vào việc tăng cường hiệu quả, tính minh bạch, khách quan và cân bằng của Hội đồng, trên tinh thần đối thoại và hợp tác.

9. Tăng cường hợp tác và đối thoại với các cơ chế nhân quyền LHQ, đặc biệt với các Ủy ban Công ước và Văn phòng Cao ủy Nhân quyền LHQ, các thủ tục đặc biệt, bao gồm việc có thể mời thêm các chuyên gia thăm Việt Nam.

10. Ủng hộ và tích cực tham gia vào các cuộc tham vấn liên chính phủ về tăng cường năng lực và hiệu quả của các Ủy ban Công ước.

11. Tham gia và đóng góp vào việc thúc đẩy hợp tác nhân quyền ở ASEAN, đặc biệt trong khuôn khổ AICHR và thực thi Tuyên bố Nhân quyền ASEAN.

12. Duy trì các đối thoại nhân quyền song phương và cơ chế hợp tác với các quốc gia đối tác, với mục tiêu chung về thúc đẩy và bảo vệ nhân quyền trên thế giới.

13. Hoàn thành thủ tục nhanh chóng tham gia Công ước chống Tra tấn.

14. Hoàn thành thủ tục phê chuẩn Công ước về Quyền của Người khuyết tật.





Toàn văn lời trình bày và Phụ lục (văn bản) kèm theo, được lưu trong hồ sơ của Đại hội đồng Liên Hợp Quốc, như sau:


Sixty-eighth session

Item 115 (c) of the provisional agenda*

Elections to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other

elections: election of 14 members of the Human Rights Council


Note verbale dated 27 August 2013 from the Permanent Mission

of Viet Nam to the United Nations addressed to the President

of the General Assembly

The Permanent Mission of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United

Nations presents its compliments to the President of the sixty-seventh session of the

General Assembly and has the honour to inform him that the Government of the

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has decided to present its candidature for

membership in the Human Rights Council for the term 2014-2016 at the elections to

be held in New York in November 2013. This is the first time Viet Nam is seeking a

membership to the Human Rights Council and its candidature has been endorsed by

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member States.

In this regard, the Government of Viet Nam has the honour to submit an

aide-memoire containing voluntary pledges and commitments assumed by Viet Nam

to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, in accordance with

resolution 60/251 of the General Assembly (see annex). The Permanent Mission of

Viet Nam to the United Nations would be grateful if the present note verbale and its

annex, could be included in the final document to be produced for the forthcoming

elections and circulated to Member States.


Annex to the note verbale dated 27 August 2013 from the

Permanent Mission of Viet Nam to the United Nations

addressed to the President of the General Assembly

Viet Nam’s candidacy to the United Nations Human Rights

Council for the term 2014-2016: voluntary pledges under

resolution 60/251

The Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has decided to put

forward its candidacy to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the term

2014-2016 at the elections to be held in November 2013 during the sixty-eighth

session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Viet Nam is the only candidate among ASEAN member States. It has never

served on the Human Rights Council, despite its capacity to contribute to the work

of the Council. Therefore, opportunities should be given to countries like Viet Nam.

Building on the achievements and experience resulting from 26 years of

comprehensive reform known as “Doi moi”, based on the three pillars of economic

growth, social progress and equity, and human rights, Viet Nam wishes to join the

Human Rights Council in order to share that experience and contribute more

actively to the joint efforts of the Council and the international community at large,

with a view to better promoting and protecting human rights worldwide.

As provided for in General Assembly resolution 60/251, Viet Nam undertakes

the following voluntary pledges.

I. Promotion and protection of human rights at the national, regional

and international levels

At the national level

In Viet Nam, the people are the ultimate goal and the engine of development.

Every policy aims at serving the people. The consistent policy of the State of Viet

Nam on ensuring human rights stems from the earnest aspiration of the people of a

former colony to enjoy civil and political rights and of the people of poor countries

to enjoy economic, social and cultural rights. Respect for and promotion of human

rights also form an essential element in achieving sustainable development, as

clearly manifested in the Constitution and relevant laws, in their implementation

mechanisms and in practice.

All economic, cultural, social, political and civil rights of the person are fully

provided for in the Viet Nam Constitution. The contents of these fundamental and

universal human rights have been continually concretized and improved in laws and

by-laws, in accordance with the spirit and standards enshrined in the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights. This provides a solid legal framework for the

formulation of policies, strategies and development plans for the fundamental rights

and freedoms of the people.

The mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights in Viet Nam

are developed in accordance with the principle of a rule-of-law State of the people,

by the people and for the people under the motto “people know, people discuss,

people do, people check”. It is the people who decide all matters of State and society,

have rights and enjoy favourable conditions to actively participate in the affairs of State

and society through the National Assembly, national authorities at all

levels and political-social organizations. Through these mechanisms, their rights are

guaranteed from policy planning to implementation and monitoring. Viet Nam has

implemented, in a uniform manner, socioeconomic development strategies, legal,

judiciary and administrative reforms, and has strengthened the grass-roots

democracy regime in order to better meet the rights and fundamental freedoms of

the people.

The rights and fundamental freedoms of the people are respected and ensured

in an increasingly effective and full manner, particularly in the following areas:

(a) In the past 5 years, annual economic and GDP growth has been

maintained at a high level of around 6 per cent, while 8 million new jobs have been

created, the urban unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5 per cent, the poor household

rate has been reduced to 9.5 per cent, social security has been strengthened and

enjoyment of health services increased, particularly for children, the poor people

and ethnic minorities. The Human Development Index has continuously increased.

Viet Nam has achieved many of the Millennium Development Goals ahead of

schedule and is on track to reach the remaining ones;

(b) In addition to these achievements, the participatory processes and voice

of the people has been enhanced. The rights of the people are better ensured through

better implementation of direct democratic rights (right to vote and right to stand for

elections), indirect democratic rights (through elected organs, such as the National

Assembly and the People’s Councils at all levels), the right to express opinions and

improved operation of complaint and denunciation mechanisms. The information

and press services in Viet Nam have greatly increased both in quantity and type. The

access and application of information technology and the Internet have also rapidly

developed, and Viet Nam is considered by United Nations specialized agencies as

one of the leading countries in this area. The faith and religious activities have

become more diverse and vivid, with the development of all major world religions

and endogenous religions and faiths in terms of the number of organizations and

followers, religious facilities, places of worship, training facilities, publications, etc.

At the global and regional levels

Viet Nam implements a foreign policy based on independence, self-reliance

and comprehensive international integration for peace, cooperation and

development. Viet Nam actively participates, in a constructive and responsible

spirit, in international and regional cooperation, multilaterally and bilaterally, in all

areas, including the protection and promotion of human rights.

Viet Nam is a party to eight important international treaties relating to human

rights, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural

Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and

the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Viet Nam was the first Asian country to

ratify this Convention). In addition, Viet Nam is a party to 18 conventions of the

International Labour Organization. Viet Nam has always respected and implemented

seriously the international human rights treaties, to which it is a State party.

Viet Nam has also cooperated well with the treaty bodies and fulfilled its periodic

reporting obligations. In 2012, Viet Nam presented periodic reports to the

Committees on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Rights of the

Child, while also preparing a report on the implementation of the International

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; in 2013, a report will be

presented on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms

of Discrimination against Women.

In December 2011, Viet Nam ratified the United Nations Convention on

Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish

Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Viet Nam is now carrying

out ratification procedures with regard to the Convention on the Rights of Persons

with Disabilities and considering its accession to the Convention against Torture. In

addition, Viet Nam voted in favour of a resolution on a comprehensive and integral

international legal instrument to promote and protect the rights and dignity of older

persons and will proactively engage in the formulation of this instrument.

Viet Nam has actively engaged in international activities on human rights

within the United Nations bodies and forums. Viet Nam was a member of and

contributed actively to the work of the Commission on Human Rights (2001-2003),

the Economic and Social Council (2000-2002), the Commission for Social

Development (2002-2004 and 2012-2014) and the Security Council (2008-2009).

Within the Security Council, Viet Nam presided over the negotiations on the

presidential statement entitled “Children and armed conflict” and resolution 1889

(2009) entitled “Women and peace and security”.

Viet Nam attaches special importance to and actively participates in the work

of the Human Rights Council. Viet Nam values the Universal Periodic Review

(UPR) as an effective process to share information and experience and enhance

mutual understanding among countries, thus helping to promote and protect human

rights. Viet Nam presented its first UPR report in 2009, which was much welcomed

by Member States and the Council thanks to its diverse content and constructive

approach. Viet Nam accepted 93 of the 123 UPR Working Group recommendations

(nearly 80 per cent) and is actively implementing those recommendations. Viet Nam

has enhanced dialogue and cooperation with special procedures. In addition to

replying in a timely manner to all communications since July 2010, Viet Nam has

received four special procedures on minority issues, extreme poverty and human

rights, the effects of foreign debt on human rights and the right to health. Viet Nam

will receive additional special procedures on the right to education and the right to

food as committed.

Viet Nam has contributed to strengthening solidarity and cooperation within

ASEAN, including human rights cooperation, particularly in the development of the

ASEAN Charter and the ASEAN Community building process, and the

establishment and operation of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on

Human Rights (AICHR). In 2010, as Chair of ASEAN and AICHR, Viet Nam took

the lead in formulating AICHR’s five-year workplan, improving its working

methods and promoting cooperation with ASEAN partners, including the United

Nations. Viet Nam also worked actively with other members in drafting the ASEAN

Human Rights Declaration. This Declaration, approved at the ASEAN Summit in

November 2012, reaffirmed the ASEAN commitment to human rights, in line with

internationally recognized norms and standards. The Declaration creates theframework

for ASEAN cooperation to promote and protect human rights in the region.

Viet Nam has, lastly, enhanced bilateral cooperation and dialogue in human

rights with partner countries to share information and experience in order to better

ensure human rights in Viet Nam and relevant countries. Viet Nam holds annual

human rights dialogues with Australia, the European Union, Norway, Switzerland

and the United States, the outcomes of which are positively appreciated.

II. Viet Nam’s voluntary commitments as a member of the Human

Rights Council

1. Adopt policies and measures and increase resources to better ensure all

fundamental economic, social, cultural, civil and political human rights in line with

internationally recognized norms.

2. Achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

3. Continue to improve the legal and judicial systems, build a rule-of-law State

and strengthen national institutions protecting human rights, including the possible

establishment of a national human rights institution.

4. Adopt policies and measures and increase resources to ensure social security,

welfare and justice, particularly the rights of vulnerable groups, such as women,

children, the elderly, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

5. Promote human rights education and training to improve the awareness and

capacity of law-enforcement agencies to better ensure peoples’ rights and

fundamental freedoms.

6. Continue to implement the recommendations that Viet Nam has accepted in the

first UPR cycle in 2009, and to participate in a responsible and constructive manner

in the second UPR cycle.

7. Strengthen grass-roots democracy and the people’s involvement in the

planning and execution of policies, and improve Viet Nam’s engagement with

political, social organizations working in the field of human rights.

8. Participate in an active, constructive and responsible manner in the work of the

Council to contribute to strengthening the Council’s efficiency and effectiveness,

transparency, objectivity and balance, in the spirit of dialogue and cooperation.

9. Strengthen cooperation and dialogue with United Nations human rights

mechanisms, particularly treaty bodies and Office of the United Nations High

Commissioner for Human Rights special procedures, including possible invitations

for additional country visits to Viet Nam.

10. Support and actively participate in intergovernmental consultations on

improving the capacity and effectiveness of human rights treaty bodies.

11. Participate in and contribute to the promotion of ASEAN human rights

cooperation, particularly in the AICHR framework and in the implementation of the

ASEAN Human Rights Declaration.

12. Maintain bilateral human rights dialogue and cooperation mechanisms with

partner countries, with the common goal of promoting and protecting human rights in the world.

13. Complete procedures for early accession to the Convention against Torture.

14. Complete procedures for the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.



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